Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ready for Fall?

Are you ready for Fall? It is such a lovely time of the year. I wish the summer had stretched a wee bit longer, but the thought of seeing the leaves turn crimson, gold and rust takes my breath away! I drive around in eager anticipation, looking for trees that have changed color. This week, I plan to decorate my home for fall and I hope to share some pictures with you soon. As I sign off on this official last day of summer....I leave you with some pictures from last fall!


Sudha said...

beautiful clicks anu!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...


Sruthi said...

beautiful colors!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh!! such gorgeous pics Anu!! wow!! wow!! Hope you are all ready for fall.. with those boots and all.. *wink*

Kamini said...

Oh I love fall, definitely my favorite time of the year! It did feel like fall last week when I was there! Lovely colors!

Susan said...

Lovely, stunning photos, Anu. Susan

Laura said...

Oooh, pretty! I sure wish we had "fall foliage" here. All we have are evergreen oaks and deciduous trees that don't change colors, they just shed all at once around the end of October. :/

Arti said...

lookin forward to new pics!!

Laura said...

I'll be glad to see the back of Summer... I need to cool down... I'm not used to having hot Summers! We have been forcast a hot weekend... looks like Summer is having it's last gasp! I'm sure I'll change my tune, come the winter though! Love the pictures by the way! Lx

Sue Murphy@ life as a house said...

Oh the fall colors are beautiful. thanks for your comments on my blog.

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