Friday, January 21, 2011

Rainy days!

Dull, grey, cold and endless rain!!! That's my Friday for you! My plan for the day, is to get my two year old down for a nap. Once I achieve the almost impossible:-) I shall sit back, and enjoy a hot cup of tea on my favorite chair!
Stay warm and enjoy your weekend:-)


Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

Hi Anu: Looks like a very cozy spot to enjoy a spot of tea! You've got rain, we've got snow ... either way, we shall be indoors!

Sudha said...

every corner of your home looks like a pic straight out of a magazine ...beautiful space dear

Een sneller kloppend hart said...

That chair looks very comfy and warm, I really hope your little one went to sleep :)
Here in Holland it's the same, rain and cold...but inside it's warm so we enjoy that! :)

Hugs from Holland

~ Veronique ~

soupi said...

very nice corner

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

Your Friday sounds just like mine...I hope you got the little one down for a nap and enjoyed some quiet time to yourself.

Blessings Kelsie

Deepa Jagarlapoodi said...

too do u do this? cool

~G said...

I agree with Sudha. I love the corners and spaces in your house! :)

Unknown said... are right..getting the little one to sleep is a tough task. Good luck for rainy days & beyond.

Priti said... this looks really cozy and amazing, well I would definitely place my couch beside those lovely windows....really loved it.

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