Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer in Provence??

I am making a virtual trip to Provence today and I am taking you along with me! This stunning home was built in a hill-top village in the early 17th century. The Château de Moissac-Bellevue was a residence dedicated to relaxation and was owned by a noble family from Provence.

A residence built for relaxation............that sounds  heavenly, does it not? Now I really don't have a residence for relaxation....... but I am going to go on a mission to  find a quiet corner in my home that I can retreat to :-)

Step into the world of elegance and grandeur......

Image : via


Shanthi said...

What a lovely home you featured Anu. Look at the door to the dining. Just fabulous.

Sumana @ Colors in my minds said...

Thanks for the feature. What a classic house !! The door in the last picture that I guess takes u to the dining area is so haunting, in a beautiful way, as if it's a journey walking through the door.

Did u find the quiet retreat ??

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Simply Gorgeous! Pure Love~Cheers Kim

Emreen said...

Oh ! That fourth pic is just *wow*** .!!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

So very lovely!!! Cathy

Kanelstrand said...

Oh, how wonderfully sweet and European!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* absolutely stunning!! But Im just one of those who needs some more colours!! :-)

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