Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Furniture Crush!

I have a little crush on this table from Riviera Maison! The mismatched chairs, the gorgeous colors, the colorful baskets that fit neatly into shelves for extra storage.....what is not to love about it!

A perfect summer setting for happy times with family and friends.........
Do you like it as much as I do???

Images: via


La said...

Oooo...I love it!

Unknown said...

I do! I do!

ELK said...

oh goodness..me too me too!!

Plum Chutney said...

Lovely Anu! I can almost hear the happy laughter of family and friends ribbing one another and telling stories well into a sunny summer evening!

Anonymous said...

these chairs are truly fabulous and love to sit there...

Scripture Doodle said...

lovely arrangement ... simple lines ... beautiful colours ... love it!!!

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