Friday, March 1, 2013

Goodbye England

Happy Friday to all of you! I am getting ready to head back to reality after a fabulous vacation. I shall miss everything and everyone. It has been a wonderful experience especially for my kids. While, I am always in awe of London, having been there a few times before, I was so glad to head out into the countryside. I love London. I always will :) However, driving through the country roads, stopping at a quaint little tea shop for scones and tea, and stepping into little stores along the way was the highlight of my trip. My vacation also included a visit to Scotland and Wales. There is so much more to tell you.........that I shall save it for another post :)

I shall miss my family, its always hard to say goodbye and I shall miss this beautiful country!! February was supposed to be cold and miserable here but as you can clearly see it was sunny and glorious :) My camera and I both were delighted :)

Images : MDC 2013 and Subject to copyright.

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