Friday, February 13, 2015

Lets Talk Tea!

I am so glad I decided to bring the "tea series" back to life on My Dream Canvas! The emails are pouring in with images and stories about tea time from readers homes around the world! I am excited and looking forward to sharing them with you next week :) There is still time to send in the pretty pictures and the delightful stories............. so keep them coming. I took a quick picture with my Ipad of the the tea chest my mother in law gave me to kick start the series. It sits pretty on my kitchen counter and I am quite in love with it :)

To know more about the tea series, click here!

Happy Friday and here's wishing you love, laughter and happiness for Valentines Day !!

Image: My Home!


Disha Mishra Dubey said...

That's a beautiful tea chest Anu. "Tea series" is a wonderful idea and definitely I am sharing my tea time images too.

Aalayam Inspiration said...

ooh look at that tea chest!

i will send you a tea time pic as well.


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