Monday, October 5, 2015

Serendipity Delhi: A Festival of Art, Design and Music

Good morning all! I have been fortunate the past few years to have been in Delhi for Diwali a few times. The kids were younger so it was easy to pull them out of school. The babies are growing up now and its getting harder! So alas, I am not heading to good old Dilli this winter!

I love all the melas and bazaar's in Delhi this time of the year. However, I promise to let you "Dilliwalas" know of some of them which catch my eye :) Also, if you are travelling there during this time, then please don' miss out :)

Here is one being hosted at Serendipity Delhi. Some of my favorite designers are going to be lucky people.....enjoy!! Connect with them via Facebook for more details!

Have a wonderful Festive Season and stay tuned for my festive posts!!

Image: Copyright Serendipity Delhi

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