Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Beauty and Soul of A Home and a Nomination

Good Morning! How have you been? Its come as a complete surprise to be nominated for the IDIA Asian Paints Decor Blogger of the Year. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading MDC and for making this possible. For those of you who voted for me, I am really touched! This journey of becoming a decor blogger happened quite by accident, and its been an incredible few years! 

I want to share a post I wrote a while ago, about what I consider to be, the beauty and soul of a home! Here are a few lines ............

 " I can simply state, that my home "moves me". I guess because these four walls are my comfort zone. Living here with my Family, is what makes it perfect! We build our home over time and with layers. The layers in my home are far from perfect, nothing matches and not everything fits perfectly :) However, beauty does not come from perfection....right? Your home does not have to be perfect in the conventional sense....but you should love it, and make a connection with it. Call me a sentimental fool, but my Family, my Friends who live close by and the imperfect layers in my home gives it beauty and a soul! 

 I am grateful for my home and to all my readers who bring a smile to my face! 

The voting for the IDIA awards will end soon! You can click on the image below to go to my profile page to vote for me if you like :)

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I am delighted you are here and I would love to hear your comments. Thank you and have a lovely day.