Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thank you and a break!

Hello there! My week has been busy and also very eventful! I am really touched and excited with the response to my "Shop". Thank you all for your encouraging comments. Since the inception of My Dream Canvas, this little store has always been a dream of mine and now it is turning into reality! As of now I am only shipping within USA and Canada. However, as the store goes online and grows, the plan is to ship internationally as well.

On another note, I am taking a ten day break and will be back blogging again in the second week of August. If you have any enquires regarding the items in the shop, please email me at I shall try and respond at the earliest.

The Canadian Rockies beckon...... and I am really excited about the road trip with hubby, kids and my parents! By the way, this is a picture of a corner in my breakfast nook that I am currently reorganising.

My living room with the sun streaming in.......

Meet the latest addition to my household. Mr Sheru (Tiger), this attractive cushion with the tiger print was sent by my cousin from India. Thanks Pooj!

I had been looking for these plates that I had bought in Florence many years ago. I found them recently and now they are on the wall in my breakfast nook!

Have a lovely weekend my friends.........I shall miss you all!!

Joining Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home!


Neha@ All things beautiful said...

Have a great trip, Anu!

Sharkara Jain said...

Your Shop is coming out lovely Anu....hope I will have some stuff from it sometime....Have a great trip ...Make memories and take lotsa pictures, which I am sure you do :)

Nayana said...

Plates are so it. Have a nice trip!

Anonymous said...

ur plates and cushion looks stunning...enjoy n waiting for ur nxt post...

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