Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Bliss and the Lake

Here's wishing you a beautiful weekend! This is a shot of downtown Seattle from Lake Union that I took a few weeks ago! I will see you back here soon. Till then keep on smiling :-)

Image: Copyright - Anuradha Varma. The image cannot be reused under any condition.


Anonymous said...

wow its stunning trademark click....u r superb...itz alwaz soothing nd refreshing 2 c ur blog...

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Following you from MBC and hope you will please follow me back too:)

NanaDiana said...

What a gorgeous composition. I love it. xo Diana

Sarmistha said...

Lovely lovely shot!! too good:)

Emreen said...

Beautiful pic Anu !! The place looks soo calm and serene... !!

Have a great weekend !!

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