Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Beauty and Soul of A Home!

Today something special happened and I have to share it with you. I have been really busy with a lot of stuff the past few days and not feeling a 100 percent! However, this evening as I walked into my home, I noticed it was enveloped in a golden glow. I immediately felt less tired and cranky :)

While I was clicking these pictures it dawned upon me that my home "moves me". I guess because these four walls are my comfort zone. Living here with my Family is what makes it perfect! We build our home over time and with layers. The layers in my home are far from perfect, nothing matches and not everything fits perfectly :) However, beauty does not come from perfection....right? Your home does not have to be perfect in the conventional sense....but you should love it, and make a connection with it. Call me a sentimental fool but my Family, my Friends who live close by and the imperfect layers in my home gives it beauty and a soul!

Images: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright. Please do not share without written permission.

Joining Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style


Susan said...

Hello Anu. You are so right. Our homes make us feel secure, comfortable, safe and happy. Lovely photos in the late afternoon sunlight! Susan

Aalayam Inspiration said...

a precious sentiment conveyed beautifully through pictures! nice Anu!


Disha Mishra Dubey said...

You said it right Anu, beauty doesn't come from perfection. Love love love every nook and corner of your home.
Even I get a boost of energy as I see golden sun rays entering my home :)

Tes said...

Wow beautiful pictures. They look so cozy and light.

Shalini Pereira said...

You have a lovely home Anu. The sunlight filtering into this room looks lovely in the pics. I almost wish I could plonk myself down on those comfy cushions and enjoy a nice cup of tea. So cozy...

Scripture Doodle said...

beautiful warm patches of sunlight and colourful cushions ... love it ... lovely planter ... love the kettle and the books ... thanks for sharing ...

the east coast desi said...

Love the shadows in the clicks.....they definitely add depth and a magical feel to the pic. And you are so right Anu, it's the perfect imperfections of a house that make it a home. Have a great week !!!!!

Beloo Mehra said...

A thought captured beautifully...both in words and pictures.

Unknown said...

Lovely pics Anu :) The floor cushions, a cup of chai, some greens and that waning sunlight. I would want to make the most of it too. Love it :)

padmamanasa said...

Those frames are certainly beauties with soul! dreamy..!

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