This striking home is the weekend retreat in Northern California of world traveller Amanda Jones. What she says about her home has struck a chord with me and I had to share it with you. She lets emotions, not style, determine how she displays treasures in her home! I have to say that we do sound very alike :) I have had so many people ask me about styles and home decor trends. As a design blogger I do read about all that stuff and quite enjoy it. However, my home feels entirely mine and is not governed by the latest fashion :)
Here are some lovely words by Amanda that reflects almost everything I feel about my home. “I keep something displayed because it is beautiful and it makes me happy. You’ll never forget the moment you got it or who you bought it from. It’s a living photograph because it takes you back to that place and that time.”
I am sentimentally attached to all the heirlooms from my parents home. Its not because of what they are worth, but because of the stories that go with each one of them. My Dream Canvas is not just my blog but is also what I call my home. I believe they they are both an ongoing journey and an adventure that I am so happy to call my own :)
Some delightful images of Amanda's home......
Images : via
Love the wallhanging and the tiles in the kitchen, too. Thanks for sharing. Susan
lovely post... !
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