Sunday, April 14, 2013

Home Decor, The Lake and a New Week

Hello there! The new week has begun for me on a good note as I achieved a long term goal! An unused part of the MDC Casa is getting a face lift :)

It is a corner of my bedroom that has been neglected for years. The space is actually part of my bedroom but it is more of a room actually. I first used it as a" baby room" when my kids were little and subsequently it became a dumping ground!! I am pleased to report that I have begun resurrecting it. More details on the room and pictures will be coming up later this week! Whew! I worked hard at it but it is so worth it! Do you have a neglected corner in your home that needs some tender loving care?? It might be a good idea to start now :) Let us motivate each other!! 

I worked on my project on Saturday and on Sunday we spent the day outdoors. We drove to a lake a few miles away. My kids rode their bikes while poor mom and dad ran behind them trying to keep up :) The city is slowly turning green. It is a pretty sight as we inch slowly towards spring! There were a few cherry blossom trees in full bloom. You know me.....I could not stay away:) 

 Sunday evening was beautiful and as the light filtered into the house...... I took a few shots of the room I am working on!

This is the where the kids biked and we huffed and puffed behind them :) 

All images taken by Me and subject to copyright.


Jennifer Hays said...

I can't wait to hear more about your bedroom corner makeover! Those photos are really pretty.

Amtrips said...

lovely corner...! the bowl is so tempting... :)

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