Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Fridays...

Fridays are way more special than the actual weekend. Friday goes by in anticipation of the weekend. Should we rest, relax, run errands, watch etc etc....??? Well, in our case it is also taking my son for soccer, swimming know what I mean :-) However, the excitement of Friday never seems to fade! The weekend is usually spent cribbing about how fast it went by :-)

So I declare Fridays as happy days :-) I have a couple of Diwali parties to look forward to, errands to run and a bit of shopping to do for my trip to India!

What are you up to? Hope you weekend is fun and relaxed....and remember to enjoy happy Fridays :-)

Image: My home


Manju said...

Ohh yes, Fridays are definitely happy days! :) Enjoy your weekend!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I love walking out of work on Friday afternoon but my favorite part of the weekend is Saturday morning. Time to catch my breath and enjoy a cup of coffee. Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Kalyan said...

Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

lovelifeunderthesun said...

Rightfully said......TGIF,that's what I say!

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