Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day Dreaming and Travel

It is one of those days and I don't feel like doing anything. :-) However, day dreaming sounds good :-) The images below do not help at all.

It has been a while since I travelled to Europe. Hubby and I took numerous trips to Europe after we got married. We were there every year for a while but our visits have slowed down since we had kids. Now that they are growing up,  we plan to go back there soon.

I remember the cobbled streets, the palaces, castles, museums, cafes, the twinkling lights, the music.......the gelato in Italy, the desserts in Vienna, the rugged beauty of the Spanish coast, the famed Gondola ride in Venice, the beautiful train journeys in Switzerland.......yes, we did them all :-)

I have the travel bug in me now and it refuses to go away :-) Sigh, if only it was easy to hop on a plane and disappear amidst all this beauty!

Have a happy Friday and indulge in a bit of day dreaming with me. I would love the company :-)

Clocktower, Rouen, France

The beautiful Vienna....

Malaga, Spain

Gondola Stand, Venice Italy.

Andalusia, Spain

Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland

Image 1 : via, Other Images: via


Anonymous said...

Oh, I really think these photos help you drift away, why you say they do not help, these are wonderful pics, lovely places.
thanks for helping me escape my reality at least for a while!

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Icy BC said...

Your photos give me dreams of one day, traveling to these wonderful places..Gorgeous!

NanaDiana said...

Those pictures are just enchanting. I would love to visit each one of those places. Happy Daydreams-xo Diana

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful Easter.

Photographs to Canvas said...

These are just amazing sceneries. Hope I'll get a chance to visit even just one of these.

amma said...

andalusia spain.....swooooon.

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