Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Flowers

Hello everyone, and hello to the New Week! The weekend was busy and passed by very quickly. However, we had some good moments, so I guess I should not complain.

We made our annual visit to the Skagit Valley Tulip festival. The drive takes about an hour and a half. It is such a delight to come across fields of Tulips in a myriad of colors. A truly spectacular sight. Every year we think that we saw it last year so there really is no need to go again......... and yet somehow we are drawn to it over and over again:)

I came back home with Tulips of course:) Today, a friend dropped by lunch with a few more bouquets of Tulips. Now, my home has these pretty flowers just about everywhere. I think it is a good way to start the week, I call them my happy flowers:)

Here's wishing you a great week. I have an amazing house to show stay tuned:)

I took numerous pictures of this charming barn.................

All pictures taken by Me!


ashreyamom said...

wow.. beautiful flowers..

Maryam said...

amazing colors!!
i am looking around for a tulip show/field near NYC so i can also see these beauties for myself! :-)
though i have been buying tulips fro my home too-making the most of it before i head bk home next year!

Hetal said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I have been eyeing those plates at World Market for quite some time now! You are making me wanna run to World Market right now!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Your photos are beautiful! Do you allow pinning to Pinterest?

UnRuLi Amma said...

Hi...I was at the fest the same weekend...amazing!!! I too call them Happy Flowers :) They made me real happy! It was my first trip to Seattle and I just loved it!

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